[Murray, South Africa] Once I realized it was Buddha's Birthday and all those parades happened yesterday, I was a bit sad to miss it all! I'm trying to wrangle another job, and add 4 hours to Charmaine's schedule at the youth center to fit the hours at a new adult hagwon...losing Korean Won in my salary, adding it to Charmaine's would free me to take double jobs (Mon-Sat) which would be a small hell for about 10 months, but adding to a nice bike ride next summer for sure. Have to meet with the President tomorrow to see if the idea can flow. Good to hear, I love walking around Seoul too, same reason, for a visit...it's 1.5hours subway into Metro Seoul for me, so with the return trip...I would have to start right away (3-4pm Saturday) to make it worthwhile, I went home and slept till you called...and more afterward. Hi Seoul would be cool, but so would cycling Korea, I'm thinking South Coast, but I may have this new job (or not, find out tomorrow!)...so play it by ear, I'm also having a great time reading Nicholi's blog http://www.worldtravellers
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