Your doing great work there in Windsor, and I'm glad to hear Crash Karma is rising up, hope to catch some tunes...I remember you playing with Tea P at the Pub (U of W)...and even Heart Plaza in Detroit if you remember that show...and even the Sandwich Concert Band where you originally inspired me to pick up some sticks for about 10 years. I was basement jamming for about that long, then finally switched to hand percussion on motorcycle trips to Vancouver (Beach drum jams @ Kits Beach) until finally I gave that drum away in California... Finally, I returned to Windsor and recruited [on contract] for UoW and needed a job, hence, coming to S.Korea, 4 days later I met my wife here, dated for 6 months, moved to Shenzhen, China for another year of teaching, back to Korea, back to Michigan (where I dissolved my finances into a Pre-Med program) A+ student with time expiring into a bottomless academic road which I couldn't possibly follow any longer. So, we had to throw in the towel there, and move back to teaching in Korea, in the fall of 2006. So, here I am working hard to pull myself through, holding a nice little family together with all my classes, 30 straight months of Korean ESL teaching without an international break or more than 5 days off in a row, $XXX,XXX saved so far, finally, I'm approaching the other side of life, the better half, where I can start focusing on helping others through charity donations or personal activity in campaigns like the Arctic Bike. ^^! This is the idea: Trying to put together an Arctic Bike for CCFC (Crohns & Colitis Foundation of Canada) next summer???, looks tough at this point with having sunk an investment into this apartment we finally have now, I really want to take that long bike ride once in my lifetime from the Arctic Circle (Inuvit,NT) to the end of the trail (St.John's, NF) or Urshuaia, Argentina. John C. Scott helped promote the Rubber Side Down/From the Rockies to the Rock where two riders from Amherstburg rode from Mile 0 Victoria to St. John's...and they filmed and made a feature documentary about the IBD diseases and their cause, raising over $60K before the movie had been released. My family has experience with this condition for many years, and I really wanted to do something about it. I think you've joined my group?? One - Bike, One Man, One Charity - Global Bike from the Arctic. That's what I am thinking about at this point, but I will need to move forward with promoting, gaining sponsorship, and building a base to launch this mission. I'm still teaching and will be for a long time to support my family here in Korea, but time off for a charity this big, would be well worth it. The logistics of this expedition are tremendous considering where I am right now financially, however, not unstoppable...I know how to camp by the roadsides and use duct tape or survive outdoors in cars or camps year round (4 seasons camping), I've also motorcycled 5 times across the USA and parts of Western Canada between 1994-1998, and 2000. Over 25,000kms in 60 days total, budget was very tight, rode a maximum of 36 hours straight on one tour b/w Vancouver-Chicago-Windsor. So, endurance riding is strong in me. Cycling isn't a problem, I could definitely go the distance for any charity.
If you have any ideas that would help me, or contacts or even music that could be featured in a documentary such as this one...any of your input/creativity would be a huge success. Nonetheless, thanks for t2b'ing and being a great person for our Windsor community. I'm still there in spirits, hope my small donation makes a difference.
BP in S.K.
Dude, you are amazing.
You sure do know how to camp by the roadside!!! You have spent many of nights by the roadside here in the USA!!! GODSPEED my friend! PEACE! (Dave in MIchigan)
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